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The Centus: Sneak Peek!

Hello everybody! I’m so excited to share with you all the cover for the latest installment of The Legion of Pneumos: The CentusSimilarly to The Cantor, this story follows the early life of Gaius Flavius, the Millus leading the cohort in Chaos Looming, only now he’s, ya know . . . a Centus. 😉 In all seriousness though, Gaius is a character that I really wanted to explore the backstory for. We only get a glimpse of his story in Chaos Looming and I was left wanting, well, more. So after a few long conversations with the grizzled old Millus, we finally got his story down on paper. And I think it turned out pretty well! What’s more, I think you all will be really excited to get a sneak peek at one of the main settings for the upcoming sequel to Chaos Looming . . . the Southern Shield!

Still not sure? Keep scrolling to get a sneak peek of the first two chapters and see if it’s something you’d enjoy.

Happy Reading!

So what did you think? Let me know in the comments below!


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