H.B. Reneau is an author of YA and adult fantasy. Author, ER doctor, and proud dog mom, H.B. Reneau is best known for her character-driven, genre-crossing fiction that draws on her experiences in both medicine and the military. When not writing or at the hospital, she can be found hiking, drinking coffee to excess, and getting lost in new cities with her spaniel Rory.

Like most writers, I was always the kid that loved books, staying up late into the night to finish the latest Harry Potter or Tamora Piece novel. It wasn’t long before I began writing my own stories and sharing them with anyone who would listen. Fast forward 15 years and a pandemic later and I finally got up the courage to put those stories out into the world. Now I'm the author of an entire series of YA Fantasy novels and novellas with no end in sight.

Unlike most authors, I also have a passion for science, medicine, and my time in the military - all of which have inspired my unique perspective on the world. While maybe not the most typical of journeys to authorship, mine is one that has inspired me to dream big, always keep learning, and try to see the world in a whole new light.

Curious? To learn more about me, check out my books, blog, and fun extras from the menu above. Or reach out directly!

Finally, neither writer nor globe trotting adventurer is complete without their trusty sidekick. For me, that is undoubtedly Rory, my adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who has been with me every step of the way…Authoring, Doctoring, and of course Cavaliering.

So even if you don’t like my writing, follow me for the puppy pics! 😋🐶

What’s in a Name? – The Rebel Edition

Ever wondered about the stories behind your favorite characters’ names? Dive into the origins and meanings of Neval Brennan, Tegan Rourke, Rowan Dunne, and Erik Brennan from The Rebel in our latest blog post: “What’s in a Name: The Rebel.”

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Building Empires: Ancient Rome’s Influence on the Legion of Pneumos World

Have you ever wondered how real history shapes the fantastical worlds we love? Dive into the Legion of Pneumos series and uncover the fascinating parallels between the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the majestic, tumultuous history of the Marian Empire. Join me as we explore how the grandeur and collapse of ancient Rome inspire epic tales of conquest, rebellion, and resilience in our favorite fantasy world. Click to read more and embark on this historical adventure! 🌟

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