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The Rebel: Sneak Peek!

Hey there, rebels! I’m bouncing off the walls with excitement because my new YA fantasy novel, The Rebel, is almost here! To celebrate and give you a taste of the adventure to come, I’m sharing an exclusive excerpt of the first three chapters. But before we dive in, let me tell you a bit about the blood, sweat, and tears (okay, mostly tears) that went into bringing this story to life.

The Inspiration Behind The Rebel

The Rebel was born from my fascination with the idea of a scrappy underdog rising up against a powerful, oppressive system. I wanted to explore what drives someone to risk everything to fight for change, and the costs and triumphs of that journey.

My protagonist Neval came to me first.  Anyone who read Chaos Looming or Haven Enduring will remember him as the equal-parts infuriating and endearing rebel leader turned reluctant ally who accompanies Keira and her friends on their many adventures. But I couldn’t help but wonder about his backstory. There was always a sadness that hung around Neval, a bitterness lurking just beneath his devil-may-care exterior. 

So that’s when I started to dig a little deeper and the real Neval began to emerge – a cheeky, street-smart teenager with a sharp tongue and a fierce loyalty to his friends and community. I could picture him vividly, using his wits and daring to navigate growing up in an upland village under occupation. What could have spurred his turn toward rebellion? Was he trying to prove something? Had he lost someone (or many someones) along the way? As the answers to those questions fell into place, the plot and world of The Rebel began to materialize. 

This was a tough book for me to write. It came in fits and starts over multiple years. But I’m so excited with how it turned out, the poignant and equal parts inspirational and tragic story behind one of my favorite characters. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. 😌

The Rebel Release Day!


💥 Limited Time Offer – Don’t Miss Out! Secure your copy of “The Rebel” with a can’t-miss 25% pre-order discount HERE. It’s a limited time offer that will evaporate by release day when the eBook goes back to full price.

So what did you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of The Rebel here:



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