5 Tips for Hiring an Editor
So you want to indie publish! But how do you make sure that your work is professional and ready for the world to read? You hire an editor! Don't know the first thing about how to do that? Read on, friend!
So you want to indie publish! But how do you make sure that your work is professional and ready for the world to read? You hire an editor! Don't know the first thing about how to do that? Read on, friend!
Chaos Looming is officially live and available for order wherever books are sold! Check out this sneak peek at Chaos Looming, the YA Fantasy Adventure!
Every journey is marked by mistakes, experimentation, and ultimately learning. The path to authorship is no different! Read on for some of the tips, tools, and tricks that I've gleaned along the way to writing my first novel!
I have some exciting news on the book front this week, *cue drumroll* the cover release for Chaos Looming! This is book one in the Legion of Pneumos series and I couldn't be more excited about how it turned out!
Welcome back everybody! This week is the second installment of a topic I’m calling, “Making the Creative Transition,” where I talk about tips and tricks for transitioning between your average workday (or in my case 12+ hours in the hospital) and an evening time dedicated to relaxation and creativity.
Between medical school studying, writing books, and just trying to be an all-around functional human being, something that I often get asked is: How do you go about making that transition?
Writing became an outlet for me, a solace that gave my days purpose and meaning. It both helped me make sense of the world around me and transported me away from it, to a world whose problems were just different enough that I could half-forget that they were really our own.