Chaos Looming Cover Release!
I have some exciting news on the book front this week, *cue drumroll* the cover release for Chaos Looming! This is book one in the Legion of Pneumos series and I couldn't be more excited about how it turned out!
I have some exciting news on the book front this week, *cue drumroll* the cover release for Chaos Looming! This is book one in the Legion of Pneumos series and I couldn't be more excited about how it turned out!
Welcome back everybody! This week is the second installment of a topic I’m calling, “Making the Creative Transition,” where I talk about tips and tricks for transitioning between your average workday (or in my case 12+ hours in the hospital) and an evening time dedicated to relaxation and creativity.
Between medical school studying, writing books, and just trying to be an all-around functional human being, something that I often get asked is: How do you go about making that transition?
Writing became an outlet for me, a solace that gave my days purpose and meaning. It both helped me make sense of the world around me and transported me away from it, to a world whose problems were just different enough that I could half-forget that they were really our own.