Hello, hello! Continuing on from last week’s reflections on 2020, this week I’ll be sharing my writing goals for 2020! While I have any number of the usuals (eat better, exercise more, pass my classes, etc.) in this post I’ll be talking specifically about my writing and fiction goals for the year. While I know that New Year’s goals can seem trite and tired, I truly do enjoy the practice and find that it puts me in a good headspace moving into the new year. So without further ado, here they are: my writing goals for 2021!
My big writing goal for the year is to finish, edit, and publish the second book to my Legion of Pneumos series. I had such a wonderful time this year writing Chaos Looming and the accompanying novellas that I can’t wait to jump back into that world and see what’s become of our friends Keira and Danny! This project has already had a few ups and downs with at least one major plot overhaul over the holidays (more on that later) but I’m so excited about the new directions its taken, and I think you all will be as well! With a tentative release date in Summer 2021, that leaves the second half of the year wide open. And you all know what that means . . . more companion novellas! I love writing novellas because it lets me explore the backstory of a character who maybe didn’t get much spotlight in the main series. So what do you think? Who would you like to read about in a novella all their own? Leave a comment below!

The road to hell is paved with works in progress.
Philip Roth Tweet
With having a little more free time over the winter break, I’ve had the time to really explore all of the amazing resources for writers online! As someone who prides myself on being a lifelong learner, one of my goals for the year is to not just keep putting out stories (although no worries, I’ll be doing that too ;)) but to really take the time to study and work on my writing craft. One of my favorite recent discoveries has been E.A. Deverell’s Lady Writers League, who’s produced so many fabulous articles, worksheets, and even courses! This article on growing as a writer was particularly inspiring for me and I’m hoping to implement a number of its suggestions over the coming year. This includes 1) Creating unique writing spaces in each hotel room I stay in; 2) Develop a solid morning writing routine; 3) Try out daily (or weekly) writing exercises to increase creativity; 4) Read more widely across many genres; 5) Play around with literary analyses of my own work (maybe even sharing a few!) and more consciously work to incorporate aspects of theme, symbolism, and metaphor; 6) Join a writing group and receive practical feedback on how my writing can improve.
This last one is probably the most guilt-inducing. With the panic and general state of chaos in the world, I’ve given myself a pass on reaching out to other authors and writing groups. But no more! With all the technology we have, physical distance is no longer an excuse for neglecting improvement!

No one is born a writer. You must become a writer. In fact, you never cease becoming, because you never stop learning how to write. Even now, I am becoming a writer. And so are you.
Joe Bunting Tweet
On the theme of reaching out and growing my writer community, I’m also excited to focus more on connecting with readers this year. While I’ve been growing my reading list slowly over the past year, I’m excited to really pick it up going forward! That means creating new maps and fun extras from the world of Pneumos. It means expanding my novella collection to give some love to all the side characters I hold so dear. I’m also playing around the idea of turning a novella into an exclusive online serial for my newsletter subscribers! I’ve never done something like that before, so it will definitely be a point of growth over the coming year! I’m also hoping to engage more with our reading community through social media, especially Facebook and Instagram to keep fans updated on my writing progress, host Q&As, and even some giveaways!
Overall, it’s shaping up to be an exciting year, so if those are things you might be interested in, head over to my subscribe page to sign up for free books, fun extras, and updates on all my latest projects! Just click here!

Though the act of writing itself is solitary becoming a writer requires community.
J.A. Hennrikus Tweet
Well, that’s all for today everybody! Now I’d love to hear from you! Comment below or message me on social media to let me know what writing goals YOU have for the coming year!