The Cross-Sea Lands

Check out this interactive, clickable map that details the history, geography, and culture of Loren in the year 241 M.E. From The Legion of Pneumos universe and the YA Fantasy Adventure The Remnant

Know as Naidoa to its inhabitants, the Cross-Sea Lands are comprised of a blend of cultures who all sought refuge from the ravaged continent centuries before. A place of danger and beauty, Naidoa is a civilization forever building upward and outward to escape the tumultuous seas that slowly eat away at its foundations.

The Cross-Sea Lands Map

Once a modest coastal settlement, Arathet was transformed into the capital of Naidoa by the descendants of Arathet himself, the legendary leader who guided the first settlers across the seas. Its towering structures and elevated platforms reflect the city's resilience against the encroaching ocean, marking the heart of the Naidoan Empire and its enduring struggle for survival.

Mirzadi, a bustling port city on Naidoa's largest island, has long been a nexus of trade and cultural exchange. Founded by Eastern merchants, the city’s vibrant markets and diverse population make it a melting pot of ideas and goods. Mirzadi’s thriving commerce and open policies have cemented its status as the economic heart of Naidoa.

City of Elarion nestled in between terraced hills filled with vineyards and olive groves

Nestled in a fertile valley at the southern tip of the largest island, Elarion is famed for its terraced vineyards and olive groves, which produce the finest wines and oils in Naidoa. Founded by settlers guided by divine signs, the city’s culture is steeped in agricultural tradition. The annual Festival of the Vines honors this legacy, drawing visitors to celebrate the harvest and partake in Elarion’s bounty.

City of Kharazan overlooking the Cross-Sea, its cliffs filled with windmills

Perched on cliffs overlooking the Cross Sea, Kharazan was originally a military outpost that grew into a city of engineering marvels. The city’s windmills and watermills harness the forces of nature, reflecting the ingenuity of its people. Kharazan remains a symbol of innovation in Naidoa, where progress and tradition walk hand in hand.

High in the isolated mountains in the southern reach of Naidoa, Vanyr clings to rugged cliffs, its stone buildings connected by narrow bridges and tunnels. The city’s hardy inhabitants revere the Tidemother, believing they are descendants of sea gods. Vanyr’s mist-shrouded fortifications and shrines speak to its ancient, enduring connection to both the mountains and the sea.

Legend has it that Al-Zahra, once a barren rock, was blessed by a sorcerer with fertile land, giving birth to its famed terraced gardens. Now, the 'Isle of Blossoms' is celebrated for its exquisite flora and artisanal crafts. The annual Flower Festival brings Naidoa’s elites to this upland paradise, where beauty and harmony with nature are cherished above all.

Northern maritime city of Daskar complete with its fortresses and formidable fleet.

Strategically perched on rugged cliffs along Naidoa’s northwestern edge, Daskar began as a fortified naval outpost. Over time, it evolved into a powerful maritime city, known for its formidable fleet, the Sea Spears. Daskar’s tall watchtowers and weathered stone walls stand as guardians against the ever-threatening sea and foreign invaders